Chico FFA Chapter
What is FFA?
The National FFA Organization was founded in 1928 and is an American youth organization. It is a career and technical (CTE) student organization based on high school classes which promote and support agriculture education.
It is an integral part of agriculture education, helping make classroom instruction come to life through realistic, hands-on applications.
The FFA is an organization which operates on the local, state, and national level. Today, FFA membership consists of 735,038 student members who belong to one of 8,817 local chapters throughout the US, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands.
Eligibility for Members
FFA membership is limited to students who are enrolled in Agriculture Education courses and certain graduates. Since FFA is an Intra-curricular activity (not extra-curricular) it is considered part of a class. An Agricultural class is structured as a 3 ring model, where the class involves Instruction, your Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE), and FFA.
Within the Chico FFA chapter, FFA participation is worth 10%, and Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) participation is worth 5% of students' final grades, totaling to 15%. In order to achieve the 10% FFA Credit, members must attend at least 3 approved FFA events per semester.
FFA Vision
Agricultural Education envisions a world were ALL people value and understand the vital role of agriculture, food, fiber and natural resource systems in advancing personal and global well-being.
FFA Mission
Agricultural Education prepares students for successful careers and a lifetime of informed choices in the global agriculture, food, fiber and natural resource systems.
Chico FFA's Social Media Outlets & Communication
Chico FFA Google Classroom, Must request code from instructor
Mixbook: Online Annual Scrapbook
For more specified information on events, please speak to a Ag Leadship student, An FFA Officer, or the Advsiors. Also stay tuned on our social media for upcoming events and details!
Event Calendar also on pages 10-12 in the POA